The New Warehouse Podcast

The New Warehouse Podcast is a great resource to stay informed with the latest trends in warehousing. Supply Chain is a very broad topic ranging from sourcing, transportation, planning, and of course warehousing. The New Warehouse Podcast briefs listeners specifically with warehouse news and ideas in a convenient, modern way. A Blog also list the key takeaways from every episode. Kevin Lawton is the founder of the New Warehouse Podcast which he founded in 2019. The podcast has over seventy episodes that range from thought leaders to information related to warehousing.

The New Warehouse Podcast is a great resource to stay informed with the latest trends in warehousing. Supply Chain is a very broad topic ranging from sourcing, transportation, planning, and of course warehousing. The New Warehouse Podcast briefs listeners specifically with warehouse news and ideas in a convenient, modern way. A Blog also list the key takeaways from every episode. Kevin Lawton is the founder of the New Warehouse Podcast which he founded in 2019. The podcast has over seventy episodes that range from thought leaders to information related to warehousing.

Here are some of the pictures from the Modex Booth where we recorded the episode. Kevin and Eric, his producer, had everything set up. We did a few sounds checks and had an offline discussion before we started recording. There were crowds walking by, but nothing to distracting. Kevin and Eric also edited a few clips from the episode. At the time, I didn’t realize there was going to be a Youtube video recorded with the blog post. As you can see, we’re all relatively young guys. Kevin has a bright future in the supply chain industry and look out for future collaborations between The New Warehouse Podcast and Warehouse Engineers.


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